MSI Extends Coverage to People in the 2SLGBTQIA+ Community and Single People

The AART is very pleased to announce that, after almost an entire year of petitioning various levels of government and MSI, we have finally been successful in convincing MSI to extend coverage for initial fertility consultation to all individuals, regardless of their gender, gender identity, sexual identity, sexual orientation or relationship status. This change comes into effect on May 5th, 2022.


Why is this important?

 Many people don’t know that prior to May 5th, 2022 there was an inequity in access to fertility consultation for single individuals, or people in the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. Under MSI’s previous rules, cis-gendered, heterosexual couples had MSI coverage for their initial consult for infertility, whereas anyone who didn’t identify as cis-gendered, and/or who wasn’t in a heterosexual coupleship had to pay privately for the same consultation. This was based, in part, on the false assumption that everyone who does not have ready access to both sperm and oocytes will go on to access assisted reproductive therapy (ART), but we know, in fact, that many people choose not to, after counselling about their personal options and predicted success rates. This discrimination was unfair, biased, and has led to a schism in care for our 2SLGBTQIA+ community, as well as for single individuals.

 What does this mean for our patients?

 As of May 5th, 2022, all individuals now have coverage, under MSI, for their initial consult for fertility options, regardless of gender, gender identity, sexual identity, sexual orientation or relationship status. Most of the initial investigations for fertility (such as bloodwork, imaging, basic semen analysis) are also covered under MSI. If/when an individual or a couple decide to pursue ART (such as cycle monitoring, IUI or IVF), they have to pay privately for their appointments, as these services aren’t covered under MSI. This is how it has always been for cis-gendered, heterosexual couples, and now it is the same for everyone.

 Unfortunately, MSI will not allow us to back bill for any consultations that were seen before May 5th, 2022, so if an individual has paid privately prior to that date, we are unable to refund them. The Nova Scotia Fertility Rebate is available to all individuals, however, so we encourage all of our patients to keep all receipts related to fertility care and submit them on their income tax return the following year.

 How did this change come to fruition?

 It has been a long battle, but we have finally been able to make MSI understand that this type of discrimination is unacceptable. They have agreed that as of May 5th, 2022, all consultations for fertility services will be covered under MSI, regardless of their relationship status, their gender identity or who they choose (or choose not) to love.

 Dr. Heather Cockwell, one of our physicians here at the AART, has been working on this tirelessly since June 2021 (Pride Month!), petitioning two different health ministers (before and after the election), working during the election to make sure all the provincial parties and the local candidates were aware of the issue, as well as bringing it to the attention of the Office of Equity and Anti-Racism.

 We would also like to thank the team at Doctors Nova Scotia for all their assistance, guidance and advocacy as we petitioned MSI and the Nova Scotia Ministry of Health and Wellness.